The Buck Stops Here
Have you had that talk with your kids yet? You know the one where you sit them down and explain that the world doesn’t revolve around them. The message that everything they want will not magically appear in front of them when they want it….No? Well what are you waiting for? We all comment on how this younger generation is spoiled and selfish, too soft and dependent. But what are you as a parent doing about it?
Have you raised your child with a strong sense of values, what’s right and wrong?
Do you live by those values or would you have to admit that sometimes you’re a hypocrite?
Have you raised your child sharing your religious faith? And then do you practice the love and charity it preaches on a daily basis?
Do you talk to your kids, really listen to their questions and concerns?
Do you play with your kids…you know sit down for a game of Monopoly on Saturday nights?
Do you sit down and eat together as a family at least 5 times a week?
Do you have structure in your home, routine and stability that they can rely on from day to day?
Do you have rules and then consistently enforce them or do you often cave in to the temper tantrums and acting out?
Have you taught you child manners and how to share with others?
Have you encouraged your child to compete in sports, stressing sportsmanlike behavior?
Does your child have chores and responsibilities like cleaning their room, making their bed, helping with the meals?
Do they get an allowance or are they treated to any and everything they want?
Are they encouraged to save for the things they want?
During the holidays, are they expected to buy presents for other family members and not just focus on their own list?
Do they spend time with their grandparents?
Have you talked with your child about finances and what the family can and can’t afford?
Do you encourage your child to start and complete class projects independently?
Are you able to say no to your teenage child?
Does your teen have a curfew?
Have you talked with your child about sex?
Have you encouraged your child to follow their dreams?
Are you saving money for your child’s college education?
Do you encourage your child to regularly volunteer by helping others?
Do you let the TV babysit your kids?
Do you monitor the movies, TV programs, video games and music your child is exposed to?
Do you know who their friends are?
Does your teen ask to go out and let you know where they are going?
Have you made your opinion about drugs and alcohol clear?
Have you given up on setting rules for your teens, believing that you have no control?
Think about all of the missed opportunities you may have had to really shape the adult your child will become. Are you proud of that adult? At some point we all have to stop blaming the media, society, peer culture and take a good look at ourselves. Rather than enact legislation or attempt to enforce laws that carry a particular moral view, we need to focus on our primary job as parents. Yes, our children will grow up to make adult decisions that we have no control over, but along the way have we allowed them to experience the consequences of those decisions? I believe if we are doing our job, we have far less to worry about in terms of what every one else is doing. If we are to have faith in this new generation, we must first know that we have done our job. Have you?